4.The purpose of the script app_install is to copy an application file and extract CLI driver files to the specified path, and to perform application environment configurations after the deployment. Example 4-12shows the script code.

The script app_install has two command line options:

The option -p specifies the path on the target machine indicating where the application is to be deployed.

The option -r indicates that we want the script to configure the system variables for us. Do not use this option if you want the configuration to be done manually.

Example 4-12 Source codes of script app_install




#Deploy application and ODBC CLI driver files to target path

#app_install -p <installpath> -r


#-p specify the location where application and ODBC drv files to be deployed

#-r specify to configure system variable for ODBC and CLI driver


#example: app_install -p /home/db2app/myapp -r"


#Define variables



directory for odbc and cli

driver files



directory for applications


unset REGVAR




#command-line syntax syntax()


echo "

app_install -p <installpath> -r

-p specify the location where application and ODBC lib files will be deployed

-r specify to configure system variable for ODBC and CLI driver

example: app_install -p /home/db2app/myapp -r"


#main program

#process command-line options case $# in

0)syntax exit 1;;


while getopts "p:r" OPT; do

Chapter 4. Deploying applications with DB2 165

Page 179
Image 179
IBM DB2 manual Example 4-12 Source codes of script appinstall