4.7.2 Installation of IBM Perl driver

First we discuss about prerequisites to installing IBM Perl driver (DBD::DB2) and then we show how to install DBD::DB2.

Prerequisites to installing DBD::DB2

Before installing DBD::DB2, you require the following software:

￿Perl version 5.6 or greater:

Perl is required to install DBD::DB2. Most Linux and UNIX systems come with Perl installed, but you might want to install a local copy of Perl on which you have full control. You can download the latest Perl from:


This page contains links to download both the source code and binaries for various platforms. You can refer to Perl documentation at:


￿DBI version 2.1 or greater:

DBD::DB2 is based on DBI and thus, you have to install DBI before installing DBD::DB2.

For Linux and UNIX, download the latest DBI from: http://search.cpan.org/author/TIMB/DBI/

Example 4-39shows how to install DBI on Linux and UNIX systems:

Example 4-39 Installing DBI on Linux and UNIX

wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.605.tar.gz tar -xvf DBI-1.605.tar.gz

cd DBI-1.605/ perl Makefile.PL make

make test make install

If you are using ActiveState Perl distribution (version 5.8 or greater) on Windows, you can install DBI by issuing the following command on the command line:

ppm install DBI

After DBI is successfully installed, you can check the documentation by issuing the following command on the command line:

perldoc DBI

200DB2 Deployment Guide

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IBM Installation of IBM Perl driver, Prerequisites to installing DBDDB2, Example 4-39 Installing DBI on Linux and Unix