Example 4-3 The command file, jmigrate.cmd, used to start the Java application

//Step 1 : Setting up the path setlocal

set path=jre1.6.0_05\bin

//Step 2 : Start the application

java -cp "itso.jar;db2\db2jcc.jar" ibm.itso.sg247653.MigrateExecuter %1 %2 compare %3 %4

￿Step 1: Setting up the path:

We set the path variable to point to the directory where the Java runtime environment is located. The initial line setlocal is just for ensuring that any settings within the command file are local to this file.

￿Step 2: Starting the application:

The -cpoption to Java is the classpath that tells Java where to look for the application components. We must supply four parameters to the command file:


database alias



Output from a successful test of the deployed application is listed in Example 4-4.The important part in this example is the ability to connect to the database. The logic within the application is not essential at this point; this is discussed in “Java sample application: Automating update” on page 247.

Example 4-4 Successful test of our deployed application

C:\javaapp>jmigrate itso db2inst1 ***

Connected to : jdbc:db2://

------------- CHANGE REPORT -------------



------------- END OF REPORT --------------

Connection reset OK !

In case of any error, we will not get a Change Report as listed. Instead we will see an error message and a Java stack trace.

The Java application, excluding the Java runtime environment, is available for download at the IBM Redbooks Web site. Refer to Appendix B, “Additional material” on page 267 for the download instructions.

Chapter 4. Deploying applications with DB2 153

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IBM DB2 manual Example 4-4 Successful test of our deployed application