Example 4-51 Call to testconn20 and the resulting output

c:>testconn20 "database=itso; server=; user id=db2inst1; password=***"

Step 1: Printing version info

.NET Framework version: 2.0.50727.832

DB2 .NET provider version:, file version:

Capability bits: ALLDEFINED

Build: 20080328

Factory for invairant name IBM.Data.DB2 verified Elapsed: 1,8226208

Step 2: Connecting using "database=itso; server=; user id=db2inst1; password=***"

Server type and version: DB2/NT 09.01.0003

Elapsed: 6,2289568

Step 3: Selecting rows from SYSIBM.SYSTABLES to validate existance of packages SELECT * FROM SYSIBM.SYSTABLES FETCH FIRST 5 rows only

Elapsed: 0,9113104

Step 4: Calling GetSchema for tables to validate existance of schema functions Elapsed: 0,4606624

Test passed.

You can download the application along with the response file and command file from the IBM Redbooks Web site. Refer to Appendix B, “Additional material” on page 267 for the download instructions.

Chapter 4. Deploying applications with DB2 211

Page 225
Image 225
IBM DB2 manual Example 4-51 Call to testconn20 and the resulting output