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Using the system log message from the preceding September 29 example, the component specifiers and matches are as follows:

%t Sep 29 14:57:28

%s aspen

su: ’su su: ’su

%s root

succeeded for succeeded for

%s jsmith

on on

%s /dev/ttypd

The white space characters that separate the words of a system log message must also be present in the format string. A single space character (that is, one blank) in the format string will match any number of white space characters in the message. For example, if the space between the colon (:) and the quotation mark (’) is deleted in the preceding specialized format string, as shown in the following example, the system log message would no longer match it.

%t %s su:’su %s’ succeeded for %s on %s

Care should be taken when using the arbitrary length repeater component specifiers (%s* and *s+). The following format string does not make much sense:

This is not a good format %s* %s*

The first %s* matches everything through the end of the message, and the second %s* never matches anything. It might appear that this does not matter, but the importance is apparent as discussed in “Mappings” on page 149.

The following format string, however, is meaningful:

This is a good format %s* : %s*

The first %s* matches everything up to the first colon (:), and the second %s* now matches everything through the end of the message.

The format string must also reflect whether white space precedes a constant or component specifier. In the following example, both messages match a format string of %s*company_xyz because they are preceded by zero (0) or more constants and no white space.

company_xyz is logging messages Acompany_xyz is logging messages

However, the following example requires a format string with a space after the %s* component specifier, as in %s* company_xyz, because it is preceded by white space and does not match the previous format string.

the company_xyz is logging messages

From the preceding examples, you can see that you can specialize a generic format string to match a more specific event by either replacing component specifiers with constants or by restricting the arbitrary length repeater specifiers to a fixed length, using constants to complete the specifier.

148IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide

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IBM Enterprise Console manual su ’su su ’su, succeeded for succeeded for, on on