IBM Enterprise Console tecadnw4.nlm, Flags, Description, Examples, Load tecadnw4 -c ConfigFile -d

Models: Enterprise Console

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Starts the NetWare log file adapter in non-service mode.


Load tecadnw4 [–c ConfigFile] [–d]


Loading tecadnw4.nlm starts the adapter. To stop the adapter, run the following from the command line:

unload tecadnw4

Authorization: None is required.



Specifies the configuration file for the NetWare log file adapter. If a value is not specified, the TECADNW4.CNF file in the current directory is used. If the –cargument is used, you can optionally specify a full path name for the configuration file; otherwise, the default configuration file, SYS:ETC\TIVOLI\TECAD\ETC\ TECADNW4.CNF, is used.

–dShows verbose diagnostic information in the NLM screen as events are gathered and transmitted. Press the Alt+Esc or Ctl+Esc keys to switch to other NLMs screens or to return to the console.

Note: Without the –doption, the adapter displays the initial startup messages on its screen but will close it upon completion of initialization, and the adapter name will not be displayed in the list of NLMs when the Ctrl+Esc keys are pressed.


The following command starts the NetWare log file adapter in debug mode:

load tecadnw4 -d

The following command starts the NetWare log file adapter with the myconf.cnf configuration file:

load tecadnw4 -c sys:etc\tmp\myconf.cnf

62IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide

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IBM Enterprise Console manual tecadnw4.nlm, Flags, Description, Examples, Load tecadnw4 -c ConfigFile -d, Arguments