
What this book is about

This book tells you how to start the transactions supplied with CICS. It tells you how to
control the CICS system, how to send messages, how to collect statistics, and how to get
terminal error information. It is also useful if you are responsible for preparing procedures for
people who operate such terminals.
The book also describes how you can use the operating system console as a CICS terminal.

Who should read this book

This book is intended for CICS terminal operators and persons responsible for preparing
terminal operating procedures. It is also useful for both system and application programmers.

What you need to know to understand this book

A general knowledge of the concepts and terminology is required.
How to use this book This book is mainly for reference. After a short introduction, the rest of the book is arranged
in alphabetic order of the transaction identifier. An index is provided to pinpoint individual
transactions and keywords.
Some CICS transactions are described in greater detail in other CICS books. These include:
In these cases, this book contains a brief description of the transaction and indicates where
further information is to be found.
Transaction CICS book
CICS Business Transaction Services
CICS IMS Database Control Guide
CICS IMS Database Control Guide
CICS Application Programming Guide
CICS Application Programming Guide
CICS Application Programming Guide
CICS Resource Definition Guide
CICS Application Programming Guide
CICS Problem Determination Guide
CICS RACF Security Guide
CICS Problem Determination Guide
CICS DB2 Guide

Front end programming interface

Information about the Front End Programming Interface feature (FEPI) is not given in this
book. See the
CICS Front End Programming Interface User's Guide
for relevant information.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1982, 1999 ix