channels are enabled on these existing features via a License Internal Code (LIC) with a new mode of operation and new CHPID defi nition. FCP is available in long wave- length (LX) and short wavelength (SX) features, though the LX and SX cannot be intermixed on a single feature. Note, the maximum quantity of FICON Express, OSA- Express, PCICA, and PCIXCC features in combination cannot exceed 20 features per I/O cage and 60 features per server.
InterSystem Channel-3 (ISC-3)
A four feature
An RPQ card (8P2197) is available to allow
Integrated Cluster Bus-2 (ICB-2)
Integrated Cluster Bus-3 (ICB-3)
Integrated Cluster Bus-4 (ICB-4)
Internal Coupling Channel (IC)
IC links emulate the coupling links between images within a single server. IC links are defi ned in the IOCP. There is no physical channel involved. A z/OS image can connect to a coupling facility on the same server using IC capabilities.