•Addition of ISHELL support for zFS.
•Ability to perform I/O operations in parallel for a zFS aggregate that spans multiple DASD volumes. This is designed to provide improved performance when using
•Support for
The Hierarchical File System (HFS) functionality has been stabilized. HFS is expected to continue shipping as part of the operating system and will be supported in accordance with the terms of a customer’s applicable support agree- ment. IBM intends to continue enhancing zFS functional- ity, including RAS and performance capabilities, in future z/OS releases. All requirements for UNIX fi le services are expected to be addressed in the context of zFS only.
Distributed File Services (DFS) Server Message Block
Microsoft® Windows® networking compatible fi le and print serving is available in z/OS with Native SMB File and Print Serving for Windows Clients. SMB fi le serving enables z/OS to share HFS, zFS, Sequential fi les and Record Files Systems (RFS) such as PDS, PDS/E or VSAM data sets with Windows workstations. SMB can automatically handle the conversion between ASCII and EBCDIC, making full use of USS fi le tagging Access Control Lists (ACLs) sup- port. This enhances the ability to develop applications on Windows and deploy on z/OS. z/OS also supports printing of SMB fi les without requiring that code be installed on the clients and without requiring unique printer setup on the workstations.
SMB Support has been further enhanced in z/OS 1.4 by:
•Simplifi ed user administration with Windows Domain ID mapping
•Performance improvements with RFS and large PDS or PDS/E fi le systems
•Exploitation of zFS performance
•Network File System (NFS) acts as a fi le server to work- stations, personal computers, or other authorized sys- tems in a TCP/IP network. It also provides a z/OS client. The remote data sets or fi les are mounted from the mainframe (z/OS) to appear as local directories and fi les on the client system. NFS also provides access to the Hierarchical File System (HFS) and zSeries File System (zFS).
Internet Services
z/OS Version 1 Release 6 base elements
z/OS Version 1 Release 6 optional no charge features
IBM HTTP Server North America Secure
TThe IBM HTTP Server offers HTTP 1.1 compliance, sup- port for Java technology, and the ability to manage Internet processing through the Workload Manager (WLM). Ben- efi ts can include:
•Utilization of large storage capacity
•Single point of entry and control
•Consolidation of multiple Web sites
•Exploitation of z/OS WL