–viewing of performance monitor data using either Web browsers or
The toolkit also provides the capability to monitor TCP/IP for z/VM, as well as to process Linux performance data.
Application Enablement
CMS will host the new C/C++ for z/VM compiler
Networking with z/VM
TCP/IP for z/VM delivers expanded Internet/intranet access, improved
TCP/IP is designed to support the z/Architecture HiperSockets function for
same zSeries server. The HiperSockets function allows vir- tual machines and logical partitions to communicate inter- nally over the memory bus using the
The z890 and z990 servers include an important perfor- mance enhancement that virtualizes adapter interruptions and can be used with V=V guests (pageable guests) on z/VM V4.4. With the enhancement of the TCP/IP stack in z/VM V4.4 to use adapter interruptions for
z/VM V4.4 exploits the Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) technology. VLANs ease the administration of logical groups of users so that they can communicate as if they were on the same physical LAN. VLANs help increase traffi c fl ow and may help reduce overhead to allow the organization of networks by traffi c patterns rather than by physical location. To support VLAN, z/VM V4.4 provides:
•Enhancements to TCP/IP for z/VM to enable member- ship in a VLAN for QDIO and HiperSockets adapters
•Enhancements to z/VM
•Management and control of VLAN topology by the z/VM virtual switch