z10 BC

The IBM System z10 Business Class (z10 BC) delivers innovative technologies for small and medium enter- prises that give you a whole new world of capabilities to run modern applications. Ideally suited in a Dynamic Infratructure, this competitively priced server delivers unparalleled qualities of service to help manage growth and reduce cost and risk in your business.

The z10 BC further extends the leadership of System z by delivering expanded granularity and optimized scalability for growth, enriched virtualization technology for consoli- dation of distributed workloads, improved availability and security to help increase business resiliency, and just-in- time management of resources. The z10 BC is at the core of the enhanced System z platform and is the new face of System z.

The z10 BC has the machine type of 2098, with one model (E10) offering between one to ten confi gurable Processor Units (PUs). This model design offers increased fl exibility over the two model IBM System z9 Business Class (z9® BC) by delivering seamless growth within a single model, both temporary and permanent.

The z10 BC delivers improvements in both the granular increments and total scalability compared to previous System z midrange servers, achieved by both increasing the performance of the individual PU as well as increasing the number of PUs per server. The z10 BC Model E10 is designed to provide up to 1.5 times the total system capac- ity for general purpose processing, and over 40% more confi gurable processors than the z9 BC Model S07.

The z10 BC advances the innovation of the System z10 platform and brings value to a wider audience. It is built using a redesigned air cooled drawer package which replaces the prior “book” concept in order to reduce cost and increase fl exibility. A redesigned I/O drawer offers

higher availability and can be concurrently added or replaced when at least two drawers are installed. Reduced capacity and priced I/O features will continue to be offered on the z10 BC to help lower your total cost of acquisition. The quad core design z10 processor chip delivers higher frequency and will be introduced at 3.5 GHz which can help improve the execution of CPU intensive workloads on the z10 BC. These design approaches facilitate the high- availability, dynamic capabilities and lower cost that differ- entiate this z10 BC from other servers.

The z10 BC supports from 4 GB up to 248 GB of real customer memory. This is almost four times the maximum memory available on the z9 BC. The increased available memory on the server can help to benefi t workloads that perform better with larger memory confi gurations, such as DB2, WebSphere and Linux. In addition to the cus- tomer purchased memory, an additional 8 GB of memory is included for the Hardware System Area (HSA). The HSA holds the I/O confi guration data for the server and is entirely fenced from customer memory.

High speed connectivity and high bandwidth out to the data and the network are critical in achieving high levels of transaction throughput and enabling resources inside and outside the server to maximize application requirements. The z10 BC has a host bus interface with a link data rate of 6 GB using the industry standard Infi niBand protocol to help satisfy requirements for coupling (ICF and server-to- server connectivity), cryptography (Crypto Express2 with secure coprocessors and SSL transactions), I/O (ESCON®, FICON® or FCP) and LAN (OSA-Express3 Gigabit, 10 Gigabit and 1000BASE-T Ethernet features). High Perfor- mance FICON for System z (zHPF) also brings new levels of performance when accessing data on enabled storage devices such as the IBM System Storage DS8000.


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IBM Z10 BC manual