OSA Integrated Console Controller
With the
Remove L2/L3 LPAR-to-LPAR Restriction
OSA port sharing between virtual switches can communi- cate whether the transport mode is the same (Layer 2 to Layer 2) or different (Layer 2 to Layer 3). This enhance- ment is designed to allow seamless mixing of Layer 2 and Layer 3 traffi c, helping to reduce the total cost of network- ing. Previously, Layer 2 and Layer 3 TCP/IP connections through the same OSA port (CHPID) were unable to com- municate with each other
This enhancement is designed to facilitate a migration from Layer 3 to Layer 2 and to continue to allow LAN administrators to confi gure and manage their mainframe network topology using the same techniques as their non- mainframe topology.
OSA/SF Virtual MAC and VLAN id Display Capability
The Open Systems Adapter/Support Facility (OSA/SF) has the capability to support virtual Medium Access Control (MAC) and Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) identifi ca- tions (IDs) associated with
For additional information, view IBM Redbooks, IBM System z Connectivity Handbook