IBM System Storage DS8000 Release 4.1 delivers new capabilities to support High Performance FICON for System z, which can improve FICON I/O throughput on a DS8000 port by up to 100%. The DS8000 series Licensed Machine Code (LMC) level 5.4.2xx.xx (bundle version 64.2.xx.xx), or later, is required.
Platform and name server registration in FICON channel
The FICON channel now provides the same information to the fabric as is commonly provided by open systems, registering with the name server in the attached FICON directors. With this information, your storage area network (SAN) can be more easily and effi ciently managed, enhancing your ability to perform problem determination and analysis.
Registration allows other nodes and/or SAN managers to query the name server to determine what is connected to the fabric, what protocols are supported (FICON, FCP) and to gain information about the System z10 using the attributes that are registered. The FICON channel is now designed to perform registration with the fi bre channel’s Management Service and Directory Service.
It will register:
–Worldwide node name (node name for the platform – same for all channels)
–Platform type (host computer)
–Platform name (includes vendor ID, product ID, and vendor specifi c data from the node descriptor)
–Worldwide port name (WWPN)
–Node port identifi cation (N_PORT ID)
–Classes of service support by the channel
Platform registration is a service defi ned in the Fibre Chan- nel – Generic Services 4
Platform and name server registration applies to all of the FICON Express4, FICON Express2, and FICON Express features (CHPID type FC). This support is exclusive to System z10 and is transparent to operating systems.
Preplanning and setup of SAN for a System z10 environment
The worldwide port name (WWPN) prediction tool is now available to assist you with preplanning of your Storage Area Network (SAN) environment prior to the installation of your System z10 server.
This standalone tool is designed to allow you to setup your SAN in advance, so that you can be up and running much faster once the server is installed. The tool assigns WWPNs to each virtual Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) channel/port using the same WWPN assignment algo- rithms a system uses when assigning WWPNs for channels utilizing N_Port Identifi er Virtualization (NPIV).
The tool needs to know the
The WWPN prediction tool can be downloaded from Resource Link and is applicable to all FICON channels defi ned as CHPID type FCP (for communication with SCSI devices). Check Preventive Service Planning (PSP) buck- ets for required maintenance.