interrupt. This enhancement is transparent to the operating system in the receiving LPAR. HiperSockets Multiple Write Facility, with fewer I/O interrupts, is designed to reduce CPU utilization of the sending and receiving LPAR.
The HiperSockets Multiple Write solution moves multiple output data buffers in one write operation.
If the function is disabled then one output data buffer is moved in one write operation. This is also how HiperSockets functioned in the past.
If the function is enabled then multiple output data buf- fers are moved in one write operation. This reduces CPU utilization related to large outbound messages. When enabled, HiperSockets Multiple Write will be used anytime a message spans an IQD frame requiring multiple output data buffers (SBALs) to transfer the message. Spanning multiple output data buffers can be affected by a number of factors including:
•IQD frame size
•Application socket send size
•TCP send size
•MTU size
The HiperSockets Multiple Write Facility is supported in the z/OS environment. For a complete description of the System z10 connectivity capabilities refer to IBM System z Connectivity Handbook,
HiperSockets Multiple Write Facility and zIIP enablement is described as
Only outbound z/OS TCP/IP large messages which origi- nate within a z/OS host are eligible for HiperSockets zIIP- Assisted processing. Other types of network traffi c such as IP forwarding, Sysplex Distributor, inbound processing, small messages, or other non TCP/IP network protocols are not eligible for
To estimate potential offl oad, use PROJECTCPU for current and existing workloads. This is accurate and very simple, but you have to be on z/OS 1.10 with the enabling PTFs AND System z10 server AND you need to be performing HiperSockets Multiple Write workload already on z/OS.
HiperSockets Enhancement for zIIP Exploitation
In z/OS V1.10, specifi cally, the z/OS Communications Server allows the HiperSockets Multiple Write Facility processing for outbound large messages originating from z/OS to be performed on a zIIP. The combination of