130 DMC 1000 Digital Media Camcorder User’s Guide (v1.15)
Chapter 13 - Viewfinder menu
Matrix EBU, Skin, B/W, RAI,
BBC, 1:1, CoolFL, Var1,
Selects preset values for the matrix:
EBU = true color matrix;
SKIN = optimised for skin tone reproduction;
B/W = monochrome picture;
RAI = Sony cameras reproduction;
BBC = BBC optimisation;
1:1 = matrix is off;
CoolFL= optimised for mixed fluorescent and
incandescent lighting.
R->G 0..99 (50) Sets the red/green ratio in the color matrix. 3 Scene
G->R 0..99 (50) Sets the green/red ratio in the color matrix. 3Scene
R->B 0..99 (50) Sets the red/blue ratio in the color matrix. 3 Scene
B->R 0..99 (50) Sets the blue/red ratio in the color matrix. 3Scene
G->B 0..99 (50) Sets the green/blue ratio in the color matrix. 3 Scene
B->G 0..99 (50) Sets the blue/green ratio in the color matrix. 3Scene
Mat/Gam order G/M > M/G Selects the order of the matrix and gamma
G/M = first famma then matrix;
M/G = first matrix then gamma.
S1 Scene
Shading On, Off Turns white shading compensation on or off. 3
Hor Par R 0..99 (50) Sets white shading horizontal parameter (R). 3
Hor Saw R 0..99 (50) Sets white shading horizontal sawtooth (R). 3
Hor Par G 0..99 (50) Sets white shading horizontal parameter (G). 3
Hor Saw G 0..99 (50) Sets white shading horizontal sawtooth (G). 3
Hor Par B 0..99 (50) Sets white shading horizontal parameter (B). 3
Hor Saw B 0..99 (50) Sets white shading horizontal sawtooth (B). 3
Vert Par R 0..99 (50) Sets white shading vertical parameter (R). 3
Vert Saw R 0..99 (50) Sets white shading vertical sawtooth (R). 3
Vert Par G 0..99 (50) Sets white shading vertical parameter (G). 3
Vert Saw G 0..99 (50) Sets white shading vertical sawtooth (G). 3
Vert Par B 0..99 (50) Sets white shading vertical parameter (B). 3
Vert Saw B 0..99 (50) Sets white shading vertical sawtooth (B). 3
Flare 3
Flare On, Off Turns flare compensation on or off. 3
Red lvl 0..99 (50) Sets flare compensation level (R). 3
Green lvl 0..99 (50) Sets flare compensation level (G). 3
Blue lvl 0..99 (50) Sets flare compensation level (B). 3
White limit 3
White limit On, Off Turns white limiter on or off. Use to limit
highlight levels in the video signal.
Level 0..99 (50) Sets the white limiter level. This is the
luminance level at which limiting occurs.
Menu item Values Description Level File