Integra DSR-4.8 Initial Setup, First Time Setup, Use the Up and Down, Buttons to select TV Shape

Models: DSR-4.8

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Initial Setup

This chapter explains the settings you need to make the very first time the DVD receiver is turned on. Basically this manual contains procedures using the remote controller.


First Time Setup

The very first time you turn on the DVD receiver, the “Initial Setup” menu appears onscreen.

Initial Setup

TV Shape

HDMI Output Setting

4:3 Letter box

4:3 Pan Scan


On-Screen Language

16:9 Widescreen


16:9 Compressed

Here you need to make a few settings to get the DVD receiver up and running. You can change these settings later (see page 57).


Use the Up and Down [ ]/[ ]



buttons to select “TV Shape”,


and then press [Enter].

Select “4:3 Letter box” or “4:3 Pan Scan” if you have a 4:3 TV. Select “16:9 Widescreen” or “16:9 Com- pressed” if you have a widescreen TV. See page 59 for more information.


Initial Setup






TV Shape

4:3 Letter box



HDMI Output Setting




4:3 Pan Scan







On-Screen Language


16:9 Widescreen





16:9 Compressed



The “HDMI Output Setting” menu



appears next.





Use the Up and Down [





buttons to select “On” or “Off”


for “HDMI Output Setting”, and


then press [Enter].





Select “On” to use the HDMI output.


Initial Setup






TV Shape

: 4:3 Letter box






HDMI Output Setting









On-Screen Language






The “On-Screen Language” menu



appears next.





Use the Up and Down [





buttons to select a language, and


then press [Enter].





See page 61 for more information on


the language options.





TV Shape

: 4:3 Letter box






HDMI Output Setting : On




On-Screen Language












The “Initial Setup” menu closes and the setup is complete.

The DVD receiver is now ready to use.


You can cancel the “Initial Setup” by pressing the [Setup] button and complete the settings later by using the onscreen setup menus (see page 57).


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Integra DSR-4.8 Initial Setup, First Time Setup, Use the Up and Down, Buttons to select TV Shape, Then press Enter