Duplicate Critical RAID 1 Array
When booting up the system, BIOS will detect if the RAID 1 array has any inconsis- tencies between user data and backup data. If BIOS detects any inconsistencies, the status of the disk array will be marked as critical, and BIOS will prompt the user to duplicate the RAID 1 in order to ensure the backup data consistency with the user data.
If user selects Continue to boot, it will enable duplicating the array after booting into OS.
Rebuild Broken RAID 1 Array
When booting up the system, BIOS will detect if any member disk drives of RAID has failed or is absent. If BIOS detects any disk drive failures or missing disk drives, the status of the array will be marked as broken.
If BIOS detects a broken RAID 1 array but there is a spare hard drive available for rebuilding the broken array, the spare hard drive will automatically become the mir- roring drive. BIOS will show a main interface just like a duplicated RAID 1. Selecting Continue to boot enables the user to duplicate the array after booting into operat- ing system.
If BIOS detects a broken RAID 1 array but there is no spare hard drive available for rebuilding the array, BIOS will provide several operations to solve such problem.
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