2.Image SizeYou may choose the image size VGA(640x480) or QVGA(320x240) and 160*120
Large image sizes (VGA) yield lower frame rates, while small sizes maintain higher frame rates
3.Vertical FlipTurns the image view upside down (affects only the web browser live view)
4.Horizontal FlipSwitches the image view right from left (affects only the web browser live view)
5.Display Time/Date StampTurns on/off the time and date stamp in the live image (affects only the web browser live view)
6.Brightness Mode, BrightnessThe higher the number, the brighter the image. (Input digits from 0 to 255)
7.ContrastThe higher the number, the clearer the contrast. (Input digits from 0 to 15)
8.HueThe lower the number, the pinker the color. The higher the number, the greener the color. (It is possible to input digits from 0 to 15)
9.SaturationThe higher the number, the deeper the color. (It is possible to input digits from 0 to 255)
10. SharpnessThe higher the number, the more vivid the color. (It is possible to input digits from 0 to 7)
11. Exposure ModeYou may select “Auto” and “Manual”
12. ExposureThe higher the number, the brighter the image.(It is possible to input digits from 0 to 255)
13. Back LightWhen the light is not sufficient, “Back Light” may increase visibility.
14. Further Reduce Exposure TimeReduces exposure time from 1/20 to 1/100 under heavy light.
15. Indoor/OutdoorControls the brightness under the circumstance
16. Light FrequencySets a frequency for the image sensor
16. SubmitTransfers current configuration data to a Wireless Network IP Camera (after transferring data)
17.Cancel18.Load Default ValuesSets the configuration as default values. (No need to press SUBMIT)