Time Configuration
This screen is used to configure date and time.
1. Synchronized with NTP serverThe Wireless Network IP Camera automatically configures date and time through the NTP (Network Time Protocol) server. The NTP Server is based on Greenwich time. Select NTP server, IP address and Time Zone to set the date and time automatically, then press SUBMIT. It may not work due to the possible network error; in this case, you can select other NTP server and IP address or you can set the date and time manually. Once date and time are set,, you don’t have to reconfigure when connecting to the Wireless Network IP Camera.
The "Update Interval" tells the camera how often to contact the NTP Server to resync the internal clock. For time critical applications the update interval can be set from 1 minute to 2880 minutes (= 2 days).
Free NTP Servers can be found at: http://www.ntp.org/.
2.Set manuallyEnter the date and time manually, then click SUBMIT.
3.Enable Daylight SavingsThis is to configure for Daylight Savings Time.