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The Star Pilot Keyboard

The Star Pilot hasbeendesignedto be aseasyto learnandoperateas possible.The raisedpush-buttonkeysprovidea tactilef-eelto each operationandthe Star Pilot respondswith an audiblebeepeachtime a key is pressedAll. keysnecessaryfor operationof theunit areon thc front panel.In additionto the alpha-numenckeyson the ri-eht side,theStar Pilot usesa uniqueapproachcalled"softkeys"along thebottomof thedisplay.Thesefive keysarelabeledby theLCD displayandarecontrolledby the unit'ssoftware,thusthename "softkeys".

The "softkey" approachallows for very easyoperation,it almost guidesyou along.eventhoughtheStar Pilot possessesan amazing numberof advancedfeaturesIt. would takea considerablenumberof additionalbuttonsandgreatlyaddto the operationalcomplexityif eachfunctionhad a dedicatedbuttoninsteadof usinsthe "softkev" approach.

Alpha-Numeric Keys

The Star Pilot is equippedwith an alpha-numerickeypad.The alpha- numerickeypadconsistsof 12pushbuttonsEach. buttonis labeled with a number.lettersor symbol.All alphabetandnumberentriesare madeusingtheAlpha-NumericKeypadasshownbelow.The display screenshowsyou wherethe letteris to be enteredby the highlighted cursorposition.

Example-PressKey #l:

I t i m e - l 2 t i m e s = A 3 t i m e s = B 4 t i m e s = C

andetc.for otherkeysandalpha-numericcharactersA. spaceis enteredby pressingKey #0 two times.

Pressthe Right Arrow on the Alpha-NumericKeypadto move to the next letterentry.You may edit or correctan entryby usingeitherthe Lefi or Right Arrow Key to the letterpositionandchangingtheentry.

Commom SoftkeyFunctions

On someof the displayscreensseenduring operationof the Star Pilot, you will notea recurrenceof the following sofkeylabels. Their functionsareidenticalin whicheverMODE is beingused.

When the MENU softkeyis pressed,the Star Pilot will returnto the Menu Screen.If you havebeenin a displayin which you were enteringinformation,andthenpressthe MENU softkey,the Star Pilot will returnto the Menu Screenwith no changesbeingentered. Useof the MENU softkeyis alwaysrequiredin orderto move the Star Pilot from one Mode to another.

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Interphase Tech Interphase Star Pilot GPS BasicOperation, Star Pilot Keyboard, Alpha-Numeric Keys, Commom SoftkeyFunctions