How ToObtainService

If you feel your displayunit or antenna/receiveris not operating properlyandyou needservice,we stronglyrecommendyou first call our Technical Support Group (408)427-4444to makesureyour equipmentneedsto be retumedto the factory.

If you do needto returnyour instruments,pleaserememberto include both your displayunit and antenna/receiverIt. is bestto ship it in the originalproductbox to the following address:


Interphase Technologies,Inc.

1201Shaffer Road

SantaCruz. CA 95060

In addition,to speedyour repairpleasefill out the following, copy or tearout of this manual.andtaneto vour unit for our techniciansto review.


D a y p h o n e( _ )

E v e n i n g p h o n e( _ )

Model: Star Pilot


Purchasedate I I

In warranty? Yes


Pleasedescribethe problemin asmuch detailaspossible.


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Interphase Tech Interphase Star Pilot GPS manual How ToObtainService, Return to