Star Pilot GPS Antenna
The Star Pilot GPSAntenna,with its receiverunit.is houseclin a durable.waterproofcasingdesignedfor mountingrn an opcn location.For optrmumsignalreception,mounttheantennawith a 360oview of the sky so thatit
satellitesPrevent. objectssuchaspoles.rails,otherantennasand largecablesfiom obstructingthe view betweenthe GPS antennaand the satellites.
Caremustalsobe takenin choosinga mountinglocationwhere radarbeamsor communicationstransmitterbeamsWILL NOT be directedtowardsthe GPS antenna.
Mount the antennaon a level surface,suchasa cabintop, or on a standardmarineantennaextensionpole. Useof a standardmarine antennamount with I
The Star Pilot GPSantennaincludes30 feetof antennacable.If extensioncableis needed,call InterphaseCustomerServiceat
WARNING: Neverattemptto takeoff the connectoron the cnd of thecableor to shortenor splicethecable.This couldcausedamageto the unit and void any warranty.
Star Pilot antenna/rccetver
| S t a r P i l o t a n t e n n a / r e c e r v e r |
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B a c k s t a y |
( l x l . l T H D I
U - shaped bracket
, /
Antenna mount
x 1 4 T H D )