

Checkto seethatall the componentsshownat leti were included with your Star Pilot. If a partis missing.contacttheInterphase Customer ServiceDepartment (408) 427-4444immediately.

WARNING: DO NOT operatetheStar Pilot with partsmissingor with partsotherthanthoseobtainedthroughInterphase;doing so could causemajor navigationalerrors.Any malfunctionsto the Star Pilot resultingfrom unauthorizedpartsarenot coveredby warranty.

Turning The Star Pilot On


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To tum the Star Pilot on, pressthe PowerKey locatedon the lower right cornerof the unit onetime. Usethe Up or Down Arrow softkeys to adiustthedisplayscreencontrast.





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The Menu Screen

Uponturn on, theStar Pilot will first showthe Menu ScreenThere.

are six modesfor operationof the Star Pilot. The first threemodes (keypadchoices1,2 . 3) arenavigationscreensThe. PositionMode featuresan easyto view, largedigit displayof your presentlatitude and longitude.The Plot andNavigateModesprovidenavigational informationin graphicformats,displayinga plot of your boat's courseor a steeringtrackto your destinationThe. next threemodes (keypadchoices4. -5.6) arefor supportof the navigationscreens. The WaypointMode managestheWaypointandRoutelibraries. The StatusMode givesyou infbrmationon theconditionsof the Star Pilot itself,aswell astheGPSsatellitesandsystemThe. SetUp Modecanbe usedto setlocaltime andthearrivalandanchoralarms.

Use the keypadon the ri-ehtsideof the unit to choosean operational mode.The Star Pilot is now startedandis lockingon to theGPS satellitesignalsIf. this is thefirst time turn-onfor the may takeseveralminutesto geta positionfix.

PressKey #1 to Choosethe PositionMode

You will noticethecurrentdateandtime on thetop of thedisplay. The time is displayedin UTC (UniversalTime Coordinated)See.the SetUp Mode section,Pagel9 fordetailson settingthetime to Local Time.

At first thelatitudeandlongitudedigitsmay be all "0"s. Notethe Iowerrightcornerof thedisplay.Below theALT: you will read OLD. 2D or 3D. OLD meansthattheStar Pilot doesnot havea new positionfix. If 2D or 3D is shown.thepositionis current.Be advised that it may takeseveralminutesfor the Star Pilot to obtaina new positionfix. Theremay be timeswhen the necessarythreesatellite positionsarenot readilyavailableWhen.theunit completesits satellitesearch,the"0"s will changeto your presentposition coordinatesandthedisplayOLD will changeto 2D or 3D. You now havetheStar Pilot up andrunning.Your positionis beingconstantly uodatedevervf'ewseconds.

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Interphase Tech Interphase Star Pilot GPS manual GettingStarted, Turning The Star Pilot On, Menu Screen