10.Set up will install the software on your Remote computer. Click “Finish”.
Note: You may be prompted to reboot the Local computer after the software has been installed. It is not necessary to do so.
11.Turn on the Local (laptop) computer.
12.Plug the shorter USB cable into a USB port on the Local (console) computer.
13.On the Local screen, an AutoPlay window appears. Click on “Run Launch_GCS661U. exe”.This will install the software on the Local PC.
Note: After initial software is complete, you will not need to go through the steps above again. However, every time you use the KVM, you will need to go to “My Computer” and click on “Run Launch_GCS661U.exe” icon in the Local (laptop) computer, if the Autoplay window does not appear on your local screen.
14.When the software is installed on both PC’s, the icon “Laptop KVM running” shows in the lower left hand corner of the toolbar.