Overall Learning
Recognise connections and patterns.
Apply previous knowledge from a variety of learning areas.
Apply early thinking skills. Use new vocabulary.
Level 1
Learning Objectives:
Identify simple opposites using picture cards.
What happens?
A target picture card appears at the top of the screen. Two other picture cards appear below it (the opposite card and a distracter).
Children are asked to click on the card displaying the opposite of the target card.
Three opposites must be selected to complete one turn.
Level 2
Learning Objective:
Identify opposites from pictures with an increased number of distracter cards.
What happens?
A target picture card appears at the top of the screen. Three other picture cards appear below it (the opposite card and two distracters).
Children are asked to click on the card displaying the opposite of the target card.
Three opposites must be selected to complete one turn.
Level 3
Learning Objective:
Identify opposites from picture and text clues.
What happens?
A target card, containing a picture and word, appears at the top of the screen. Three other picture cards appear below it (the opposite card and two distracters).
Children are asked to click on the card that displays the opposite of the target card.
Four opposites must be selected to complete one turn.
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