Picture Book
Overall Learning
Predict ‘what comes next?’ in a sequence of events.
Develop an understanding of the main parts of a story.
Level 1
Learning Objective:
Place each section of a simple story in a sensible order.
What happens?
A picture book appears on the screen displaying the first part of a story sequence and two empty spaces. Two pictures are displayed beneath the book.
Children are asked to place the two pictures into the book in the correct order. Each empty space in the picture book glows in turn to indicate where the next picture must be placed.
Both pictures must be correctly placed into the picture book to complete one turn.
Level 2
Learning Objective:
Show a clear understanding of the sequence of events in a story.
What happens?
A picture book appears on the screen with three empty spaces. Three pictures are displayed beneath the book.
Children are asked to place each picture into the book in the correct order. Each empty space in the picture book glows in turn to indicate where the next picture must be placed.
All three pictures must be correctly placed into the picture book to complete one turn.
Level 3
Learning Objective:
Confidently organise and sequence ideas and events.
What happens?
A picture book appears on the screen with four empty spaces. Four pictures are displayed beneath the book.
Children are asked to place each picture into the book in the correct order. Each empty space in the picture book glows in turn to indicate where the next picture must be placed.
All four pictures must be correctly placed into the picture book to complete one turn.
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