Oven Operation
• | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • | • |
A lighted match will not light the oven burner. No attempt
should be made to operate the oven during a power failure.
•When the oven is preheated, the oven will beep and the preheat indicator light will go off in the display. Allow
Setting the Controls for Baking,
*Convection cooking available on select models only.
1.Place oven racks on proper rack positions. (See page 10.)
2.Press Bake or Convect Bake pad.
•The indicator word BAKE will flash.
•000 and the oven icon ] Iwill appear,
4. At the end of cooking, turn the oven off by pressing the
Stop/Clear pad. Remove food from oven. The oven will continue operating until the Stop/Clear pad is pressed.
NOTE: If you forget to turn off the oven, it will automatically
turn off at the end of 12 hours. If you wish to deactivate this feature, see page 7.
Off more than30 seconds elapse betweenpreSsinga function pad andpressinga number pad. the display willreturn _the previous display.
Cl._.ll -t in ,-,nnBAKE
•When convection cooking is selected, a fan icon _ will also appear,
3.Press the Preset (0) pad to set 350°F automatically. When
convection cooking, 325°F will be automatically set when Preset (0) is pressed. Or press the appropriate number
pads for the desired oven temperature.
•The temperature can be set from 100° to 550 ° F.
•After four seconds the oven will begin to heat.
-the bake icon (top and bottom bars) will light;
-a red preheat indicator will light;
-and 100° or the actual oven temperature, whichever is higher, will appear in the display,
-whenconvectioncookingthefanicon _willbegin
to rotate.
•To recallthe settemperatureduringpreheat, pressthe appro- priate Bake or CnnveetBake pad, The set temperatureWill: be displayedbriefly and thenreturn to the ongoingprogram,
To Changethe _ven l_ture during cooking, p_gS _ahe appropriateBake or Convect Bake pad and the appropriate numberpadsfor the desired oven temperature.
• You may find that the cookingtimes and temperaturesvary slightlyfrom your01doven. This is normal.Every oven has
its own characteristics. | " |
•During some extended oven cooking operations, you may heara '_popping"soundwhenthe oven:burnercycles,This is
preparedmix directions. Baking time willbethe same or
page 9_)
•When convectionroasting, roasting times are generally
•The temperature in the display will increase in 5° increments until the oven reaches the preset temperature.
•Theconvectionfan turnson fiveminutes after settingthe controls.This is normal.
•:See "Cooking Made Simple" booklet for recommended toasting_empemtureandlimes,and additionalbaking,roast, ing and convection cookingtips.