Available ID's
Each bus is allowed to have ID's that range from 0-15. No two devices on the
same bus may share the same ID. Each host controller always uses one ID. The
on-board SAF-TE processor uses one ID which defaults to ID 5 of bus A.
ID Conflict
When two devices share the same SCSI ID, a conflict occurs. This conflict must
be corrected before the SCSI bus will work properly. If a conflict occurs, check
that no two devices on the bus share the same ID.
Option Settings Two option settings are located on the personality card. To access the jumpers,
the cover and all controller module canisters must be removed. The diagram
below shows the location of the option settings on the personality card.
Delayed Start Option Jumper
Header W1 pins 1 & 2. (top two pins)
Jumper on = enabled.
Jumper off = disabled (default).
Remote Start Option Jumper
Header W1 pins 3 & 4. (bottom two pins)
Jumper on = enabled.
Jumper off = disabled (default).
FORTRAH1 Chaparral G5312 InstallationGuide Rev C 4-2
WARNING: Before opening the cover, disconnect the AC power cord from
both AC inlets to prevent injury.
WARNUNG: Vor dem Entfernen der Abdeckung sind beide 220V Netzkabel
(Kaltgeräteanschlußkabel) zu entfernen, um Verletzungen zu vermeiden.
Delayed Start
& Remote Start