The following Figure shows
the host adapter selection
From this screen the host
adapter to be communicated
with can be chosen. The
example shows that there are
two host adapters installed in
the system.
This next screen shows how
the target device may be
selected. Different options
are available depending on
the device selected. If a
SAF-TE device is selected,
the next menu will display
any available SAF-TE
commands. If a disk drive,
CD-ROM, or other media
device is selected, the next
menu will display any
available commands that are
pertinent to that device.
This next screen shows the
Main Device Screen and lists
the commands available. The
Main Device Screen lists the
commands available to a CD-
ROM drive, hard disk drive,
or other SCSI peripheral
selected. The commands are:
Test Unit Ready, Inquiry,
Read Capacity, and Spin
up/down Unit. These
commands are described in
more detail in the next five
screens. The bottom of the
screen shows the host adapter and target that have been selected.
FORTRAH1 Chaparral G5312 InstallationGuide Rev C 9-3