The Slot Operation Screen, allows flags to be set for each individual slot. The
menu has two submenus; first select the slot and second, select the operation to
be performed on the selected slot. After a selection of the slot, status may be
checked in the Slot Status Screen. The first four commands are important to
canister operation and the rest of the commands are for test purposes. Prepare Slot
for Operation turns the slot on. Prepare for Insertion/Removalturns the slot off.
Identify Slot will blink the activity LED on the particular slot so that the canister
can be easily located. Clear Slot Errorsremoves all flags from the slot and clears
all errors to the slot.
The Global Command Screen, has
several flags that may be set that
affect the entire enclosure, not just
a particular slot. The first two
commands are important to unit
operation and the rest of the flags
are mainly used for test purposes.
Clear Global Errors will clear
any enclosure error flags that have
been set
FORTRAH1 Chaparral G5312 InstallationGuide Rev C 9-10