Low Power Mode (Standby Power)
When both power supplies are turned off, the unit will switch to low power or
standby mode and the power supply fans will continue to run. The unit blowers
will remain operational if a single power supply is turned off, not installed, or
fails, in order to maintain the proper low temperature within the unit. To stop the
power supply fans and turn the unit off completely, it must be disconnected from
the AC power source.
Power Supply ReplacementIf the Power Supply Fault LED indicator is lit, the power supply may need to be
replaced. Before replacing, the power supply should be turned off, removed from
the enclosure, and reinstalled. The AC cable connection should be checked to
ensure that the connector is firmly seated and the power supply should be firmly
inserted with the thumbscrew tightly securing it. If the Fault LED indicator is still
coming on, then the power supply should be replaced.
If the fan in the power supply is not functioning but the power supply still works,
the power supply unit should be replaced as soon as possible. Leaving the power
supply running without the fan could cause the power supply to overheat and
shutdown at any time.
If you believe a power supply is in a nonfunctional state, please contact the place
of purchase for repair or replacement.
JMR part number for a replacement power supply is shown below. The assembly
includes the power supply installed in the canister.
Model JMR Part Number
10-bay PSS-00721
FORTRAH1 Chaparral G5312 InstallationGuide Rev C 6-2