Jonsered LT2118A instruction manual Erati

Models: LT2118A

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1. Palanca de Control Del Movimento

2.Neutro Cierre Metálico

3.Perno de Regulación

1. Leva Di Comando Del Movimento

2.Blocco In Posizione Folle

3.Bullone Di Regolazione

1. Stuurbedieningshandel




La palanca de control del movimiento del cambio mecánico ya viene predefi nida por la Casa constructora y por lo tanto no requiere ulteriores regulaciones.

Afl ojar ligeramente el perno de regulación en la parte anterior de la rueda posterior derecha;

Poner en marcha el motor y mover la palanca de control del movimiento del cambio mecánico hasta llevarla en una posición en la que no se pueda mover ni adelante ni atrás;

Mantener la palanca de control del movimiento del cam-


mecánico en esta posición y apagar el motor;

Manteniendo la palanca en la posición arriba indicada, afl ojar el perno de regulación;

Mover la palanca de control del movimiento en posición neutro (N) (cierre metálico);

Enroscar bien el perno de regulación.

NOTA: desplazar el plano de trabajo de la segadora hasta la posición más baja para aumentar el juego al fi n de ac- ceder al perno de regulación.

Si el tractor sigue deslizándose adelante y atrás, después de esta regulación y con la palanca en posición neutro, efectuar las operaciones indicadas de seguida:

Afl ojar el perno de regulación.

Mover la palanca de control del movimiento de 1/4 o 1/2 pulgar en la dirección de deslizamiento.

Enroscar bien el perno de regulación.

Poner en marcha el motor y probarlo.

Si el tractor sigue deslizando, repetir las operaciones ar- riba indicadas hasta alcanzar los resultados deseados.


La leva di comando del movimento del meccanismo del cambio

èstata impostata al momento della fabbricazione e non richiede pertanto ulteriori regolazioni.

Allentare il bullone di regolazione di fronte alla ruota pos- teriore destra; stringendolo poi leggermente

Avviare il motore e spostare la leva di comando del meccanismo del cambio fi nché in trattore non si muove avanti o indietro;

Tenere la leva di comando in questa posizione e spegnere il motore;

Con la leva nella stessa posizione, allentare il bullone di regolazione;

Spostare la leva in posizione folle (N) (blocco),

Avvitare a fondo il bullone di regolazione.

NOTA: spostare il piano di supporto della falciatrice nella po- sizione più bassa per aumentare il gioco e facilitare l’accesso al bullone di regolazione.

Se il trattore, dopo la regolazione, tende a muoversi in avanti o indietro, anche con la leva in folle, eseguire le seguenti operazioni:

Allentare il bullone di regolazione.

Spostare la leva di comando del meccanismo tra i 0.5 e 1,2 cm nella direzione dello scorrimento.

Avvitare a fondo il bullone di regolazione.

Avviare il motore e provarlo.

Se il trattore tende ancora a muoversi, ripetere le opera-


sopra descritte fi no ad ottenere i risultati desid-




De stuurbedieningshandel is reeds in de fabriek afgesteld en behoeft geen nadere afstellingen.

Zet de stelbout voor het rechter achterwiel los en weer licht vast.

Start de motor en verplaats de stuurbedieningshandel totdat de tractor noch vooruit, noch achteruit beweegt.

Houd de stuurbedieningshandel in deze stand en zet de motor af.

Houd de stuurbedieningshandel op zijn plaats en zet de stelbout los.

Verplaats de stuurbedieningshandel in vrijloop (N) (sluitboomgrendel).

Zet de stelbout stevig vast.

N.B.: Als extra ruimte nodig is om bij de stelbout te komen, het maaiwerk in de laagste stand zetten.

Als na uitvoeren van deze afstelling de tractor zich nog

steeds vooruit of achteruit verplaatst terwijl de stu- urbedieningshandel in de neutrale stand staat, de volgende stappen uitvoeren:

Zet de stelbout los.

Verplaats de stuurbedieningshandel 6 tot 12 mm in de richting waarin het voertuig zich verplaatst.

Zet de stelbout stevig vast.

Start de motor en probeer opnieuw.

Als de trekker zich nog steeds verplaatst, bovenstaande stappen herhalen tot het gewenste resultaat is bereikt.


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Jonsered LT2118A instruction manual Erati

LT2118A specifications

The Jonsered LT2118A is a robust and efficient lawn tractor designed to meet the needs of both residential and semi-professional users. Equipped with a powerful engine and advanced technology, this model provides an outstanding mowing experience, making it a preferred choice for homeowners and landscape enthusiasts.

At the heart of the LT2118A is its reliable 18.5 HP Briggs & Stratton V-Twin engine. This engine not only ensures powerful performance but also provides a smooth and quiet operation. It is designed for optimal fuel efficiency, allowing users to cover large areas without frequent refueling. The engine's design minimizes vibrations and noise, contributing to a more enjoyable mowing experience.

One of the standout features of the Jonsered LT2118A is its 42-inch cutting deck. This cutting deck enables users to navigate through tight spaces while still delivering a wide cutting path for efficient mowing. The deck offers multiple cutting heights, allowing for precise adjustments to achieve the desired grass height. The deck’s robust construction ensures durability, while the anti-scalp wheels prevent damage to the lawn surfaces.

Another significant aspect of the LT2118A is its Hydrostatic transmission system. This technology provides seamless speed control and easy maneuverability. With no gears to shift, riders can easily adjust their speed while maintaining control over the tractor. This is a notable advantage for mowing on uneven terrain or around obstacles.

Additionally, the Jonsered LT2118A features ergonomic controls and a comfortable seat designed for prolonged use. The high-back seat provides support while reducing fatigue during long mowing sessions. The intuitive layout of the controls allows for easy access to essential functions, making it user-friendly even for beginners.

Safety is also a priority with the LT2118A. This model includes features such as an automatic blade brake that engages when the operator leaves the seat. This ensures that the blades stop quickly, reducing the risk of accidents.

In summary, the Jonsered LT2118A is a versatile lawn tractor that combines power, efficiency, and comfort. With its strong engine, advanced transmission, and user-friendly design, it is an ideal choice for anyone looking to maintain their lawn with ease and precision. Whether tackling large yards or navigating through complex landscaping, the LT2118A stands out as a reliable and effective solution for outdoor maintenance.