Sound mode button

This unit has three preset sound modes (BEAT, POP, CLEAR). These modes can be selected to enhance the type of music being played.

Press the SOUND button to select the sound mode.

Each time the SOUND button is pressed the sound mode changes as follows;




Sound mode selection


Set to this position for music with a heavy beat, such as rock or disco music.


Set to this position for light music including popular and vocal music.


Set to this position for crisp and clear sounding music with transparent highs.

FLAT (No sound effect (flat characteristics)):

Set to this position when listening to classical music.

Tlaèítko re¾imu zvuku

Tento pøístroj má tøi pøednastavené zvukové re¾imy (BEAT, POP, CLEAR). Tyto re¾imy lze jednotlivì zvolit pro zvýraznìní typu pøehrávané hudby.

Stisknìte tlaèítko SOUND, abyste zvolili po¾adovaný zvukový re¾im.

Pøi ka¾dém stisknutí tlaèítka SOUND se zvukový re¾im mìní následovnì:


Volba zvukového re¾imu


Nastavte do této polohy pro poslech hudby s výraznými bicími, jako je roková nebo disko hudba.


Nastavte do této polohy pro poslech populární a vokální hudby.


Nastavte do této polohy pro poslech ostré a èistì znìjící hudby s prùhlednými vý¹kami.

FLAT: (bez zvukového efektu (plochá charakteristika)):

Nastavte do této polohy pro poslech klasické hudby.





Since dirty, damaged and warped discs may damage the unit, care should be taken of the following:

1.Usable compact discs

Use compact discs with the mark shown.

2.Notes on handling discs

Do not touch the reflective recorded surface.

Do not stick anything to or write anything on the label side.

Do not bend compact discs.


After removing a disc from the unit, be sure to put it back in its case.

Do not expose discs to direct sunlight, high temperatures from a heater, etc., high humidity, or dust.

4.Cleaning discs

Before loading a disc, wipe off any dust, dirt or fingerprints with a soft cloth. Discs should be cleaned by wiping radially, from the center to the edge.

Never use thinner, benzine, record cleaner or antistatic spray.

Proto¾e ¹pinavé, po¹kozené a zkroucené disky mohou po¹kodit pøístroj, vìnujte pozornost následujícím vìcem:

1.Pou¾itelné kompaktní disky

Pou¾ívejte kompaktní disky s vý¹e uvedeným oznaèením.

2.Poznámky pro zacházení s disky

Nedotýkejte se nahraného zrcadlového povrchu.

Nelepte nebo nepi¹te nic na stranu s etiketou.

Kompaktní disky neohýbejte.


Po vyjmutí disku z pøístroje jej v¾dy vra»te do jeho ochranného krytu.

Nevystavujte disky pøímému sluneènímu svitu, vysokým teplotám od vytápìní atd., vysoké vlhkosti nebo prachu.

4.Èistìní diskù

Pøed vlo¾ením disku z nìj otøete v¹echen prach, ¹pínu nebo otisky prstù pomocí mìkkého hadøíku. Disky by mìly být èistìny radiálním utíráním smìrem od støedu ven k okraji disku.

Nikdy nepou¾ívejte øedidlo, benzín, èistiè desek nebo antistatický sprej.

• Removing the disc from its storage

• Handling

case and loading it.

Zacházení s diskem

Vyjímání a vkládání disku z a do jeho ochranného krytu.



• Cleaning




• Press the center and lift out.

• Press to secure the CD.



Stlaète støed a vyjmìte disk smìrem ven.

Zatlaète, abyste zajistili CD v ochranném krytu.




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JVC DX-E55EV manual Concerning Compact Discs CO SE Týèe Kompaktních Diskù

DX-E55EV specifications

The JVC DX-E55EV is a versatile audio system designed to deliver exceptional sound quality and user-friendly features. This model exemplifies JVC's commitment to audio innovation, offering a unique blend of technology and functionality that appeals to both casual listeners and audiophiles alike.

At first glance, the DX-E55EV boasts a sleek design that fits seamlessly into any home environment. Its compact form factor allows for easy integration into various spaces, making it an ideal choice for those looking to enhance their audio experience without sacrificing style.

One of the standout features of the DX-E55EV is its powerful audio output. The system is equipped with high-efficiency speakers that provide clear, detailed sound across a wide frequency range. This enables users to enjoy their favorite music, movies, or games with rich bass and crisp highs, enhancing their overall entertainment experience. The presence of advanced digital signal processing (DSP) technology further optimizes audio playback, ensuring that sound remains balanced and immersive.

Connectivity is another area where the DX-E55EV excels. The system includes multiple input options, such as USB ports and Bluetooth capabilities, allowing users to easily connect their smartphones, tablets, or laptops for wireless streaming. The Bluetooth feature is particularly convenient, letting users enjoy their music libraries without the hassle of cables.

In terms of auxiliary features, the JVC DX-E55EV comes with a built-in FM tuner, providing access to a wide range of radio stations. Additionally, the user-friendly interface includes a comprehensive remote control, allowing for easy navigation and control over various settings and playback options.

The DX-E55EV also features impressive build quality, ensuring durability and longevity. It is designed to withstand the rigors of everyday use, making it a reliable addition to any home audio setup.

Overall, the JVC DX-E55EV is a well-rounded audio system that combines cutting-edge technology with practical features. Its rich sound quality, diverse connectivity options, and stylish design make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to upgrade their audio experience at home. Whether for casual listening or more immersive entertainment, the DX-E55EV stands out as a noteworthy option in the home audio market.