Do not use this unit in direct sunlight or leave the unit in closed auto- mobiles (or yachts, etc.) where it would be exposed to high tempera- tures above 40 °C.

1.Avoid installing in the following places.

Where it could be subject to vibrations.

Where it is excessively humid, such as in a bathroom.

Where it could be magnetized by a magnet or speaker.

2.Pay attention to dust.

Be sure to close the CD holder so that dust does not collect on the lens.


In the following cases, condensation may occur in the unit, in which case the unit may not operate correctly.

In a room where a heater has just been switched on.

In a place where there is smoke or high humidity.

When the unit is moved directly from a cold to a warm room.

In these cases, set the (STANDBY/ON) button to ON and wait 1 or 2 hours before use.

4.Volume setting

Compact discs produce very little noise compared with analog records. When the volume control of an amplifier is adjusted by lis- tening to the noise as is done with analog records, the speakers could be damaged by the sudden increase of output when the music starts. Therefore, turn down the volume before starting and adjust as required while playing a CD.

5.Safety mechanism

This unit incorporates a safety interlock mechanism which switches the laser beam on or off, so that when the disc holder is open, the laser beam stops automatically.

6.Do not place cassette tapes, etc. near the speakers.

Since there are magnets in the speakers, do not place tapes or mag- netic cards on them as recorded data could be erased.

7.Keep this unit away from your TV.

When this unit is used near a TV, the TV picture could be distorted. If this happens, move this unit away from the TV. If this does not cor- rect the situation, avoid using this unit when the TV is turned on.

8.Cleaning the cabinet

If the cabinet gets dirty, wipe it with a soft, dry cloth. Never use ben- zine or thinner as these could damage the surface finish.

9.When listening with headphones

Do not listen at high volumes as it could damage your hearing.

For safety, do not drive while listening to this unit.

Nepou¾ívejte tento pøístroj na pøímém sluneèním svitu nebo jej nenechávejte v uzavøeném automobilu (nebo jachtì atd.), kde by mohl být vystaven vysokým teplotám pøes 40 °C.

1.Neumis»ujte pøístroj na následujících místech.

Tam, kde by mohl být vystaven vibracím.

Na místech s pøíli¹nou vlhkostí jako napø. koupelna.

Tam, kde by mohlo dojít ke zmagnetizování magnetem nebo reproduktorem.

2.Chraòte pøístroj pøed prachem.

V¾dy zavøete dr¾ák CD, aby se na èoèce neusazoval prach.


Ke kondenzaci uvnitø pøístroje mù¾e dojít v následujících pøípadech, pøi nich¾ nemusí pøístroj správnì fungovat.

V místnosti, kde se právì zapnulo vytápìní.

Na místì, kde je pára nebo vysoká vlhkost.

Jestli¾e je videorekordér pøemístìn ze studené do vytopené


V tìchto pøípadech nastavte tlaèítko (STANDBY/ON) do polohy ON a pøístroj nepou¾ívejte po dobu 1 nebo 2 hodin.

4.Nastavení hlasitosti

V porovnání s analogovými nahrávkami je ¹um pøi reprodukci kompaktních diskù na velice nízké úrovni. Jestli¾e je úroveò hlasitosti zesilovaèe nastavena poslechem ¹umu, jak je to provádìno u analogových pøístrojù, mù¾e dojít náhlým nárùstem výstupu pøi spu¹tìní hudby k po¹kození reproduktorù. Z tohoto dùvodu sni¾te hlasitost pøed zaèátkem reprodukce a nastavte ji na po¾adovanou úroveò bìhem reprodukce CD.

5.Bezpeènostní mechanizmus

Tento pøístroj zahrnuje bezpeènostní blokovací mechanizmus, který zapíná a vypíná laserový paprsek, tak¾e pøi otevøení dr¾áku CD je laserový paprsek automaticky vypnut.

6.Nepokládejte magnetofonové kazety atd. blízko reprosoustav. Nepokládejte kazety nebo magnetické karty na reprosoustavy, proto¾e reproduktory obsahují magnety a mohlo by dojít k vymazání nahraných dat.

7.Nepou¾ívejte tento pøístroj v blízkosti televizoru.

Jestli¾e je tento pøístroj pou¾íván v blízkosti televizoru, mù¾e dojít k ru¹ení obrazu. Jestli¾e k tomuto dojde, pøemístìte pøístroj do vìt¹í vzdálenosti od televizoru. Jestli¾e tento krok nevede k nápravì, nepou¾ívejte pøístroj pøi zapnutém televizoru.

8.Èistìní skøíòky pøístroje

Jestli¾e je skøíòka pøístroje za¹pinìna, otøete ji mìkkým suchým hadøíkem. Nikdy nepou¾ívejte k èi¹tìní benzín nebo øedidlo, proto¾e by mohlo dojít k po¹kození povrchové úpravy.

9.Pøi poslechu se sluchátky

Neposlouchejte hudbu pøi vy¹¹í hlasitosti, proto¾e by mohlo dojít k po¹kození Va¹eho sluchu.

Pro Va¹i bezpeènost neøiïte pøi poslechu tohoto pøístroje.


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JVC DX-E55EV manual Handling Precautions Provozní Upozornìní

DX-E55EV specifications

The JVC DX-E55EV is a versatile audio system designed to deliver exceptional sound quality and user-friendly features. This model exemplifies JVC's commitment to audio innovation, offering a unique blend of technology and functionality that appeals to both casual listeners and audiophiles alike.

At first glance, the DX-E55EV boasts a sleek design that fits seamlessly into any home environment. Its compact form factor allows for easy integration into various spaces, making it an ideal choice for those looking to enhance their audio experience without sacrificing style.

One of the standout features of the DX-E55EV is its powerful audio output. The system is equipped with high-efficiency speakers that provide clear, detailed sound across a wide frequency range. This enables users to enjoy their favorite music, movies, or games with rich bass and crisp highs, enhancing their overall entertainment experience. The presence of advanced digital signal processing (DSP) technology further optimizes audio playback, ensuring that sound remains balanced and immersive.

Connectivity is another area where the DX-E55EV excels. The system includes multiple input options, such as USB ports and Bluetooth capabilities, allowing users to easily connect their smartphones, tablets, or laptops for wireless streaming. The Bluetooth feature is particularly convenient, letting users enjoy their music libraries without the hassle of cables.

In terms of auxiliary features, the JVC DX-E55EV comes with a built-in FM tuner, providing access to a wide range of radio stations. Additionally, the user-friendly interface includes a comprehensive remote control, allowing for easy navigation and control over various settings and playback options.

The DX-E55EV also features impressive build quality, ensuring durability and longevity. It is designed to withstand the rigors of everyday use, making it a reliable addition to any home audio setup.

Overall, the JVC DX-E55EV is a well-rounded audio system that combines cutting-edge technology with practical features. Its rich sound quality, diverse connectivity options, and stylish design make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to upgrade their audio experience at home. Whether for casual listening or more immersive entertainment, the DX-E55EV stands out as a noteworthy option in the home audio market.