Names and Operations of Parts
Body Surface
View when the dome cover is removed.
For instructions on removing the dome cover, see step 4 of ÒMounting the Camera to the CeilingÓ. ( page 11)
For adjusting the lens, focus, or camera angle.
( page 14 ~ 15)
2[IRIS LEVEL] Iris level adjustment
For adjusting the level of the automatic aperture control lens. This adjustment only needs to be made when required. Use this to accommodate particular shooting conditions.
Turning direction of level
To darken image Counterclockwise (L side)
To brighten image Clockwise (H side)
¥When adjusting the iris level, set the AGC switch to ÒOFFÓ. Otherwise, when the level is turned too far toward L, the AGC function activates increasing sensitivity and the picture may look uneven.
7 8 9 10 11 12
3MONITOR terminal (RCA pin)
For connecting a monitor when mount- ing the camera for adjusting the lens or determining the camera angle. (High im- pedance)
4[D/N - ON/OFF] Easy Day & Night switch
To capture a subject with continually changing brightness (day/night), set this switch to ÒON.Ó The camera automatically captures the image in color when the subject is bright, and in black and white mode when it is dark.
(Default setting: OFF)
The Easy Day & Night feature on this cam- era uses a sensitized black and white mode unlike other black and white surveil- lance cameras that use
5[FOCUS ADJ. - ON/OFF] focus adjustment switch
When adjusting the focus during installation, setting this switch to ÒONÓ will open the iris.
(Default setting: OFF) ( page 15)