Allowed users admin, operator
Setting MPEG-4 Multicast Port Number for VN-V686
Format /api/param?network.destination(1).port=data
Example /api/param?network.destination(1).port=59152
Example of Response
network.destination(1).port&202 Accepted(network.destination(1).host=save)
Interpretation Change
Allowed user admin
6.14. Access Restrictions
The APIs below are related to access restrictions. These are equivalent to the features on the Access Restrictions page of the WEB setting page. Refer to the instruction manual for details on the Access Restrictions page.
Getting Deny/Allow Setting of Client Restrictions from
Format /api/param?network.access_control(stream_out).logic
Example of Response network.access_control(stream_out).logic=deny&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the deny/allow setting of client restrictions. Either deny or allow will be returned. These restrictions are applied to getting JPEG.
Allowed users admin, operator
Setting Client Restriction to Deny/Allow for VN-V686
Format /api/param?network.access_control(stream_out).logic=data
Example /api/param?network.access_control(stream_out).logic=deny
Example of Response network.access_control(stream_out).logic&200 OK
Interpretation Change the deny/allow setting of client restrictions. Specify as deny or allow. These restrictions are applied to getting JPEG.
Allowed user admin
Getting IP Address Setting of Restricted Client from
Format /api/param?network.access_control(stream_out).host(Number)
Example When Getting the first IP address
Example of Response network.access_control(stream_out).host(1)= OK