GMT+8:45 | Timezone that is 8 hours and 45 minutes later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
GMT+9 | Timezone that is 9 hours later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
GMT+9:30 | Timezone that is 9 hours and 30 minutes later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
Japan | Same timezone as GMT+9. |
GMT+10 | Timezone that is 10 hours later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
GMT+10:30 | Timezone that is 10 hours and 30 minutes later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
GMT+11 | Timezone that is 11 hours later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
GMT+11:30 | Timezone that is 11 hours and 30 minutes later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
GMT+12 | Timezone that is 12 hours later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
GMT+12:45 | Timezone that is 12 hours and 45 minutes later than the Greenwich Mean Time. |
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Timezone for VN-V686
Format /api/param?system.timezone=data
Example /api/param?system.timezone=Pacific
Example of Response system.timezone&202 Accepted(system.status=restart)
Interpretation Change the timezone of
Allowed user admin
6.16. Password
The APIs below are related to passwords. These are equivalent to the features on the Password page of the WEB setting page. Refer to the instruction manual for details on the Password page.
Setting Password for VN-V686
Format /api/param?system.password.data1=data2
Example /api/param?system.password.admin=someword Example of Response system.password.admin&200 OK
Interpretation Change the
Example when setting admin password: /api/param?system.password.admin=word1
Example when setting operator password: /api/param?system.password.operator=word2
Example when setting user password: /api/param?system.password.user=word3
There is no API for Getting passwords.
Allowed user admin