Interpretation Change the address setting of the SMTP server. Specify the IP address or FQDN. The maximum FQDN size is 63 bytes. Specify as when the SMTP server is not set. It is also possible to leave the setting field blank as follows. /api/param?
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting SMTP Server Port Number Setting from VN-V686
Format /api/param?application.smtp.port
Example of Response application.smtp.port=25&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the port number setting of the SMTP server.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting SMTP Server Port Number for VN-V686
Format /api/param?application.smtp.port=data
Example /api/param?application.smtp.port=25
Example of Response application.smtp.port&200 OK
Interpretation Change the port number setting of the SMTP server.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Sender Mail Address Setting from VN-V686
Format /api/param?application.smtp.mailfrom
Example of Response OK
Interpretation Acquire sender mail address setting. POP user name is used as local part of sender mail address when sender mail address setting is blank. When POP user name is also blank, the
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Sender Mail Address for VN-V686
Format /api/param?application.smtp.mailfrom=data
Example /api/param?
Example of Response application.smtp.mailfrom&200 OK
Interpretation Change sender mail address setting. Maximum text number of sender mail address is 96. Alphanumeric and followings are available.
! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { } ~
POP user name is used as local part of sender mail address when sender mail address setting is blank. When POP user name is also blank, the