Making a Style with Get Phrase from Recorder
This is the most flexible way to create a new Style.
You can take music that you have recorded using the CP’s own Recorder and convert it into Style data. Or, you can use an external MIDI device or a personal computer to create the musical phrases, then load the data into the CP’s Recorder and convert those.
Configuration of a Style
A complete Style consists of the following patterns:
Basic pattern | 4 patterns (Variation | Max 16 measures |
4 patterns | 1 or 2 measures | |
Intro Major | 2 pattern | Max 16 measures |
Intro Minor | 2 pattern | Max 16 measures |
Ending Major | 2 pattern | Max 16 measures |
Ending Minor | 2 pattern | Max 16 measures |
•Each of these are made of six
•The different Sections can be of varying bar lengths as long as they stay within the limit. Having them all the same length may make the Style easier to use in a song, but you may find that having uneven bar lengths among the Sections can create interesting musical results.
•Before you can generate a Style from these phrases, you have to have them loaded into the Recorder, keeping in mind which tracks in the Recorder are going hold data for which Sections in the new Style.
•The source recording in the CP’s Recorder can be in any key. However, you need to know what key that is, because you will have to specify that as part of generating a new Style. For simplicity’s sake it is advisable to record in C if you are planing on using the recording with the Style Maker.
Creating Your Own Styles | P. 77 |