Changing the time signature
You probably noticed that there are two types of clicks and the louder one comes every fourth beat. The metronome is capable of giving you a down beat to indicate the beginning of the measure. You are now hearing a 4- beat or 4/4 time signature.
You can select different a time signature if you want to out of the seven available with the CP
To change the time signature, use the BEAT button.
Press the BEAT button. You will see the LED indicator turn on and hear the metronome begin counting. The display shows the time signature.
Use the VALUE buttons to select your desired time signature.
You will see the time signature currently selected in the display.
To stop the metronome, press the BEAT button again.
You can use either the TEMPO or BEAT button to turn the metronome on and off. Choose the appropriate button depending on whether you’re adjusting the tempo or changing the time signature.
Adjusting the Metronome Volume
The volume level of metronome can be adjusted to any level you like independent of the main volume.
Press the TEMPO and BEAT buttons simultaneously. The display shows the volume level of the metronome in numbers from 1 (soft) to 10 (loud). The factory preset is 5.
Use the VALUE buttons to change value.
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