. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index 10-3
Access from driver 6-3 to 6-5
Dimension A-11
Humidity A-11
Image information window 6-12,
Memory (Nonvolatile) 4-40
Operating temperature A-11
Power switch 4-9
Self-test 7-3
Sleeps 5-5
Source menu 6-6, 6-26, 8-7
Timing 5-9
Turn off 5-8, 5-15
Weight A-11
Camera Control
Dialog box 4-43, 8-18
Set Clock 8-43
Glossary entry B-2
Icon 3-4, 3-5, 4-41, 8-17 to 8-22
Location on driver 8-3
Camera model A-1
Image Information window 8-43
Camera serial number E-1
Image Information window 8-43
Camera types 6-22, 8-29
Acquire 6-8
Acquire Contact Sheet dialog 8-16
Crop dialog box 8-33
General preferences 8-25
Rename conflict dialog 8-27
Rename dialog 8-27
Caption area
Photoshop 6-13
Receives annotation text 8-43
Caption field (Photoshop) 8-15
Card Busy light 3-4, 4-27, 4-28, 5-13,
6-3, 7-20
Glossary entry B-2
Recording sound 5-14
Cautions x to xvi
CCD (Imager) 2-4, 7-2, A-1
Defined B-2
Glossary entry B-2
CD-ROM drive 4-12
Charge coupled device.
Charging the battery 4-4 to 4-14
Choose Folder (Source menu) 6-6, 6-31,
Class B digital device xvi
Camera xi
Imager 7-41 to 7-52
Cleaner pads 7-44
Cleaning materials 7-43
Cleaning solution 7-44
Default 8-5
Eyedropper cursor 6-19
Preferred 6-17
Remove setting 6-19
Tool 6-17, 6-18 to 6-19, 8-34, 8-35
to 8-37
Checkbox 6-18
Illustrated 6-18, 8-35
Location on driver 8-3
Remove setting 8-37
Clockwise rotation.
Rotate icons
Close-up accessories 1-6
Closing Photoshop window (Changes not
saved) 6-8, 6-10, 6-27 to 6-28, 6-33,
Color balance 6-16 to 6-21
Lighting menu 8-34 to 8-35
Multiple images 6-20 to 6-21, 8-8
Preview 8-8
Saving changes 6-21
Setting saved 6-16
Single image 6-17 to 6-19, 8-8
Commands (Driver image window) 8-6
to 8-46
CompuServe (Download software) C-2
Computer speakers 8-38
Computer system clock 8-20
Condensation xii
Connector cable (Camera to KODAK
camera back) 7-2, 7-46
Contact Sheet
Acquire As menu 6-7, 6-9, 8-13 to
Defined 6-7
Navigating 6-14, 6-14 to 6-15, 8-44
to 8-45
View menu 6-27, 8-8, 8-11
Continue (Rename Conflict dialog) 8-27
Continuous low-speed shooting 5-4
Control buttons (KODAK camera
back) 7-11 to 7-16
Control programming.
Control-click 6-9, 8-4
Controls on KODAK camera back 2-5
Copy (Photoshop Edit menu) 8-12
Copy To (Without a PCMCIA card) 7-24
Copy To button 3-6, 6-31, 8-7, 8-26,
8-40 to 8-41
Becomes Keep button 6-27, 8-10
Calibration file 7-54
Driver image window 6-30
Illustrated 6-30, 8-40
Location on driver 8-3
Counterclockwise rotation.
Coupling nut (Camera connector
cable) 7-46
Crop 6-21 to 6-25
Change existing 8-29
Default 8-5
Dialog box 6-23, 8-30 to 8-34
Cancel 8-33
Crop New Images 8-33
Final Output 8-33
Fix Aspect Ratio checkbox 6-24
Fixed Size 6-23
Height 8-32
Illustrated 6-23
Left 8-32
Link graphic 8-32
Navigating 8-33 to 8-34, 8-44
OK 8-33
Remove 8-33
Remove button 6-25
Size dialog box 6-24
Top 8-32
Width 8-32