User Guide KODAK DP2900 Digital Projector
Replacing the Projection Lamp
Warning: To avoid burns, allow the projector to cool for at least 30 minutes before you open the lamp module door. Never
extract the lamp module while the lamp is operating. ,PSRUWDQW 7KHODPSLQWKH.2'$.'3FRQWDLQVWUDFHDPRXQWVRIPHUFXU\
The lamp hour counter in the Status menu counts the number of hours the lamp has been in use. Replace the lamp when the brightness is no longer acceptable. To order replacement lamp modules contact your dealer of KODAK products or visit our Web site at www.kodak.com/ go/projectors.
Follow these steps to replace the projection lamp:
1.Turn off the projector by unplugging the power cord.
2.Wait 30 minutes to allow the projector to cool thoroughly.
3.Invert the projector on a soft flat surface, then insert a small screwdriver or other flat object into the tab on the lamp module door..