Kolpak DA-98 manual REC Mute recording silence, Dither

Models: DA-98

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However, each track can be patched internally to take its input from any one of the eight inputs or from any one of the other tape tracks. Note that in the example below, it is possible for a track to act as an input source to another track at the same time that it is recording from an external input. This allows great flexibility in dubbing situations.

11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 Inputs

11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 Tapetracks

Track Copy



Input 1234






Track 12345678





Naturally since the DA-98 tracks are digital, there is no loss of quality incurred when tracks are transferred.


It is not possible to combine tracks (as in conventional “ping-pong”) using the Track Copy function. Combin- ing of tracks must be carried out through an external mixing console. You can bounce a track to itself, but it is notraparticularlyckComeaningfulpyprocess!

8.11.1InutTTapckeCopy12345678(channel-to(-trackAna)routing)rack off

1) CopySelect m nu group 0, move the cursor to Trk nd press ENTER:

Section 8 – Advanced operations

3)Use the LEFT and RIGHT keys to move the cursor to the track you want to route.

You can also use the function keys as number keys for direct selection of the track (see 5.2.2, “Using the function keys as number keys”).

4)Use the UP and DOWN keys to change the track input between inputs 1 through 8 and tr cks 1 through 8.


If you change from analog to digital input (see 8.10.1, “Chan ing between digital and analog inputs”) or vice (Dig)versa, the display will change between (Ana)and

as appropriate.

5)To re-route a track to its input, press and hold down the UP key and then press the DOWN key.

8.12 REC MUTE (recording silence)

ThereRcmay Mbeutimtes when you wish to prevent any signalOnfrom reaching an armed track (in other words,ffwhen you record, you are recording sil nce ontotrkthe track1. 2345678

1) Enmuteer menu group 1, move the cursor to Rec and press ENTER:

In the screen above, tracks 7 and 8 are muted (no input signal is routed to them).

2)Use the LEFT and RIGHT cursor keys to navigate between tracks. Use the UP and DOWN keys to switch the track muting of individual tracks on or off.

Pressing and holding the UP key and then pressing the DOWN key will reset the REC MUTE settings of all tracks.

2)Use the LEFT and RIGHT keys to move the cursor to the offon the bottom line of the display and change it to on.

The TRACK COPY indicator will light.

8.13 Dither

Dither is the technique of adding a known noise to low-level signals, especially when converting from a high number of bits (for instance 24 or 20

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Kolpak DA-98 manual REC Mute recording silence, Dither