Kolpak DA-98 manual External control, Use with 9-pin external control, Pro oc, Video clocking

Models: DA-98

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11 – External control

The DA-98can be controlled by other units, either

through the REMOTE IN/SYNC IN TASCAM con- nector [43] as described in 9, “Synchronization wi h other DTRS units”, the 9-pin RS-422serial control connector [40], or through the MIDI IN con- nector [41] using MIDI Machine Control.

11.0.1 SeleconingolthePrcontroltocosourcel

(pro oc )

1) CtrlPrtGo to menu group93,Pmoveinthe cursor to (control prot col) and press


2)9PinUse the UP and DOWN keys to select between

,MIDI, Busand off.

These are all self-explanatory, except for the Bus setting, which refers to the sync/control bus carried through the RS-422connector [40]. An example of a device which can use this protocol is the TAS- CAM ES-61 editing controller.


The selection of an external control protocol does not disable the local controls. When an external controller is selected, the last control pressed, whether local or remote, operates the DA-98.

11.1Use with 9-pin external control

The RS-422 control allows the DA-98 to be con- trolled by a number of different editor/controllers, in the same way as a VTR or DAT.

11.1.1 Video clocking

If the DA-98 is to be controlled by a video editor, it is essential that the DA-98 and the controller receive identical video signals from the same source (a video generator, for example).

Section 11 – External control

The DA-98 should also be set with video resolve set to on, either free-running or rechase (see 10.6, “Video resolution”).

The CLOCK switch of the DA-98 [30] should be pr ssed until the VIDEO indicator lights.


The DA-98 is able to emulate a number of differ- ent units, so that when a D ice-ID request is sent, the appropria ePreplyCM-can705sent0back in response.

1) DevGo to menu group 6, move the cursor to Eml

(Emula ion Device) and pr ss ENTER:

2) Use the P and DOWN keys to select a device from the following list:






B 200



3)Set your editor to control the device which is closest to the emulation you have just selected. If the editor determines its controlling method from the reply to Device ID request, you should try using IDs starting from the top of the list.

If the editor recognizes “TASCAM” (and there- fore bypasses video emulation) use the TASCAM emulation setting.

11.1.3 Record delay

Most recorders (both VTRs and audio recorders) drop into record a short time after they receive the command to start recording, and editor/controllers are programmed to take this into account.

However, the DA-98 starts recording immediately it receives the command. You can compensate for this using the Record Delay settings.

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Kolpak DA-98 manual External control, Use with 9-pin external control, Pro oc, Video clocking, Record delay