Section 11 – Extern control

2) enableUse the UP and DOWN k ys to select between



If you choosedisable, the track referred to by

the controller’s comma

d signals as “analog 3”

will be the audio track designated as “analog 3” in the TrackMappingmenu above. If you choose enable, the DA-98’s timecode track will be mapped to the track referred to by the controller’s command signals as “analog 3”.

11.1.8 Remote track arming

You may sometimes want to disable the arming of tracks from the remote system (either TASCAM bus, MIDI or 9-pin).

Since many video editors, etc. only provide for the controlRemofoteTfour tracks,rathisckmeansArmthatinyougcannot control the eight tracks of the DA-98 from the edi- to , and so remote t ack arming should be dis- abled, all wing younto ontrolethe tracks locally.

1) ArmGo to enu group 3, move the cursor to Trk

, and pr ss ENTER:

2)enableUse the UP and DOWN k ys to select between

and disable.

11.2 Bus protocol

If Bus protocol is selected (see 11.0.1, “Selecting the control source (protocol)”), the DA-98 can be controlled by controllers such as the TASCAM ES-61.

Each DA-98 must be assigned a unique number between 1 and 127, as described below.

11.2.1Assigning a MIDI and Bus ID to the DA-98

A MIDI ID is used in a MIDI Machine Control setup to identify each unit in the MIDI chain. The same number is also used as a Bus identifier.

One (and only one) of up to 127 units can be des- ignated as the MIDI Timecode Master for the whole chain.

This MIDI ID is not the same as a MIDI Channel numberD(even/BthoughusIDsome units’ manuals may refer to it as a “channel number”), and is not con- nected with the Machine ID (see 9.2, “Machine ID and master slave ettings”). To set the 0MIDI01ID:

1) MIDIIDGo to menu group 7, move the cursor to , and press ENTER:

2)Use the UP and DOWN keys to s lect a value between 001and 127, making sure that this

ID is unique in your setup.

You can also use the function k ys as number keys (see 5.2.2, “Using the function k ys as number keys”) to enter the MIDI ID dir ctly.

You can also select the value ReceiveAll, which allows the DA-98 to accept all MMC com- mands transmitted over the MIDI network (this setting has no effect if Bus is selected).

11.3 MIDI Machine Control

As well as control from the 9-pin RS-422 port, the DA-98 can also accept commands received at the

port (page 3-1) using the MIDI Machine Control protocol.

Set the MIDI ID using the method described immediately above.

The MMC commands used by the DA-98 are listed in see 15, “Options, specifications and refer- ence”.

The control source must be set to MIDI(see 11.0.1, “Selecting the control source (protocol)”) for this to be effective.

The implementation of the MIDI Machine Control protocol and the commands which are available are described in 15.3, “MMC Bit Map Array”.

11.3.1MMC commands and the DA-98

An example of a MIDI sequencer being used to control a DA-98 (using the auto-punch of the sequencer to punch in and out on the DA-98

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Kolpak DA-98 manual Bus protocol, Midi Machine Control