Manual exposure mode allows individual selection of shutter speeds and apertures. This mode overrides the exposure system giving the photographer control over the final exposure. Bulb exposures can be made, see below. Manual exposure is set with the exposure-mode dial (p. 39).

1. Turn the control dial to change the shutter speed.

2. Press and hold the exposure- compensation button and turn the control dial to change the aperture.

The operation to change the aperture and shutter speed can be reversed in section 1 of the custom menu (p. 95).

3. Press and hold the AEL button and turn the control dial to shift the shutter speed and aperture without affecting the exposure.

The Ev scale on the monitor and in the viewfinder indicates the difference between the set exposure and the exposure determined by the camera meter. Press the shutter- release button partway down to activate the meter. The manual metering (M.M.) indicator is displayed on the monitor Ev scale.

The set exposure is 1.0Ev less (–) than the exposure determined by the meter.

The arrow indicates the set exposure is 2.3Ev more (+) or less (–) than the exposure determined by the meter.

The blinking arrow indicates the set exposure is ±2.7Ev or greater than the exposure determined by the meter.