The index-format option in section 1 of the playback menu can specify a four, nine, and sixteen image display for index playback (p. 37) and frame-selection screens (p. 83). A file browser can also be used in place of the index playback display mode; a 9-frame display is used for the selection screens.

After selecting the file-browser option in the menu, press the display button in the playback mode to display the file browser.

The up/down keys of the controller switch between the folder tabs and images; a tab or image is highlighted.

The left/right keys of the controller select the folder tabs or images.

A folder and its contents or a single image can be deleted. With the folder tab or image thumbnail highlighted, press the delete button.

On the confirmation screen, use the left/right keys to highlight “Yes.” “No” cancels the operation.

Press the controller to execute the command on the confirmation screen. If a folder contains locked images, the locked images and folder remain.

9-frame index

:select folder

Delete this frame?


Delete folder and its contents?


Delete button

Display button