5. Pattern mode

REVERSE .....................................................................

On, Off

Switches reverse playback for the sample on (lit) or off (dark).


These parameters apply time-variant change to the sound, using an

LFO or EG.

S P E E D ........................................................................


Adjusts the speed of modulation. If BPM SYNC is on, the speed will

synchronize to the tempo. The range is 8/1~1/64.















Adjusts the depth of modulation.





















TYPE ...................................................























Selects the type of modulation.

Settings other than EG will apply cyclic modulation. If you select EG, the effect will be at maximum when the note begins, and will then gradually decrease.

If the modulation type is “,” the modulation phase will be not reset when the note is triggered. For other types, the phase will be reset by each trigger.

DEST.............................................. PITCH, CUTOFF, AMP, PAN


Selects the parameter to which modulation will be applied.


You cannot select “PITCH” for the audio-in part.

BPM SYNC ..................................................................

On, Off

Turn this on if you want the modulation cycle to synchronize to the

tempo. This will light when synchronized.

The sounds of drum parts 6A and 6B can be edited independently, but cannot be played simultaneously.

If the sound does not change when you turn the knobs or switch the keys, either those knobs or keys are not valid for this part, or a Motion Sequence (p.68 “Motion Sequence”) is running.


Here you can modify the tone of the waveform generated by the

oscillator by distorting or filtering it.

CUTOFF ......................................................................



Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the filter. The result will depend on


the type of filter selected.


With some settings, the sound may be distorted, or there may be


almost no sound.

EG INT..................................................................... -63...+63

Specifies the depth and direction in which the EG (envelope genera- tor) will change the cutoff frequency. The EG will start the moment the trigger turns on (i.e., the moment you press the step key). If the knob is in the center position, the EG will not affect the sound.

If the gate time length of a step extends beyond the beginning of the next step, the EG will not be retriggered when the next step is sounded.

RESONANCE ..............................................................


Emphasizes the region around the cutoff frequency, adding a distinctive character to the sound. With the resonance raised, you can move the cutoff knob or adjust EG INT or EG TIME to produce the "meow" sound typical of analog synthesizers.

Depending on the cutoff frequency or the pitch you play, high set-

tings of resonance may distort the sound.