7–3: Arp. A (Arpeggiator A)
7–4: Arp. B (Arpeggiator B)
Indicates settings for arpeggiator A in the Arp. A page, and
for arpeggiator B in the Arp. B page.
You can use the “Copy Arpeggiator” utility to copy set-
tings from another mode such as Program mode.

7–3(4)a: Arpeggiator–A (B) Setup

Pattern [Preset-0...Preset-4, U000...U250]
Octave [1, 2, 3, 4]
Reso (Resolution) [   , ,   , ,   , ]
Gate [000...100(%), Step]
Velocity [001...127, Key, Step]
Swing [–100...+100(%)]
Sort [Off, On]
Latch [Off, On]
Key Sync. [Off, On]
Keyboard [Off, On]
These are the arpeggiator parameters for the multi set.
(PROG 7: Ed–Arp/Ctrls)

7–3(4): UTILITY

“Write Multi,” “Copy From Combi” (0–1), “Copy Arpeg-
giator” (COMBI 7–1)
7–5: Zone (Scan Zone)
Specifies the range of notes and velocities that will trigger
each arpeggiator A and B.

7–5a: Scan Zone A/B

Zone Map
This shows the “Scan Zone” settings for arpeggiators A and
B (COMBI 7–4a).
A: Key
Btm (A-Bottom Key) [C–1...G9]
Top (A-Top Key) [C–1...G9]
Specifies the range of notes (keys) that will trigger
arpeggiator A. “Top” is the upper limit, and “Btm” is the
lower limit.
A: Vel (Velocity)
Btm (A-Bottom Velocity) [001...127]
Top (A-Top Velocity) [001...127]
Specifies the range of velocities that will trigger arpeggiator
A. “Top” is the upper limit, and “Btm” is the lower limit.
B: Key
Btm (B-Bottom Key) [C–1...G9]
Top (B-Top Key) [C–1...G9]
B: Vel (Velocity)
Btm (B-Bottom Velocity) [001...127]
Top (B-Top Velocity) [001...127]
Specifies the range of notes (keys) and velocities that will
trigger arpeggiator B (“A: Key,” “A: Vel”).
X50: The value of these parameters can also be set by hold-
ing down the [ENTER] button and playing a note on a con-
nected MIDI instrument.


“Write Multi,” “Copy From Combi” (0–1), “Copy Arpeg-
giator” (COMBI 7–1)