Chapter 5: Linking two networks
Remote Windows workgroups do not appear in the Windows Network Neighbourhood, but can only be contacted directly (e.g. via Find Computers).
5.2Instructions for LANconfig
Perform the configuration on both routers, one at a time.
Launch the 'Connect two local area networks' wizard. Follow the wizard's instructions and enter the required information.
The wizard will return a message to indicate that it has all the information it needs. Close the wizard with Finish.
After finishing the configuration of both routers, you can test the network connection. Try to contact a computer in the remote LAN (e.g. with a ping). The LANCOM router should automatically set up a connection to the remote station and contact the required computer.
5.3Instructions for WEBconfig
Under WEBconfig, the coupling of networks via VPN cannot be con- figured using the wizard. It can only be set up in the expert configu- ration. For details, please see the reference manual.
Perform the configuration on both routers, one at a time.